Friday, April 29, 2005

Feelings Gone Awry

How do you handle it when a person jumps you for something that absolutely is not your fault. I'm about to give a you a story that I'd like some comments on. Read it thoughtfully and carefully and give me your thought about what I'm about to tell you.

There's this couple I know, who went to pay property tax. It was also, almost time to renew her driver's license. She filled out all the forms and was called to the desk. Oh, I forgot to tell you that this woman has a slight disorder, but it's noticeble. Well, on the papers she filled out it asked if there was anything that'd keep her from operating a vehicle. The woman started at first to mark NO, but being a truthful woman she put yes. The lady behind the desk ask her what her trouble was, seeing that she was very nervous about standing before her desk. The first woman told her and added that she'd been driving for years without any mishaps. The desk lady asked her does she want to keep it yes and be truthful about it or does she want to say no. The first lady knew that her disorder could cause an accident decided she'd keep it yes so the desk lady gave her a stack of papers to be filled out by a doctor. If the doctor says she capable if drivng the first lady can come back and get her license.

The first lady related this to her partner, who flew off the handle. The lady couldn't understand why he'd be so angry. He yelled some very crude and angry things at her, saying very hurtful things.
He acted as though the woman could have just stood there and told the desk lady that she'd not move until she got her license but when something is very seeable, why should anyone try to deny it, If it would cause an accident, why even want to drive. When they got home, the lady finally broke down and cried, not because of not getting the license but because of the reaction she received from her mate when she told him.

Now, I think the woman was right to tell the desk lady she had a disorder that may not be suitable for driving. I think the mate was way out of line, jumping on her and saying all those bad things to her. It's better to be truthful about things than lying about something that is obvious to everyone. I see no reason for the mate getting mad. He should have just said I'm sorry you didn't get your license renewed. People have got to try and be more understanding and sentative to people's feelings.

1 comment:

Dovely said...

I absolutely agree with you. If he was going to say anything to her at all it should have been in private, rather in front of others, but I don't think he had any right to get so upset about it. Honesty is always the best policy although sometimes it's not always that easy.

Glad to see you got that nasty counter code on there! :) tata