Thursday, April 14, 2005

Important Things in Life

What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Some people I know are going to say thing such as my family, my car, my boyfriend, my dog and things like that but, that's not the way it should be.
The most important thing in anyone's life should be their relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice I didn't say your religion should be first, I said your relationship, a personal relationship, with Jesus should be the most cherished thing you have in your life.
I believe there's a huge difference in_religion_and_a personal relationship with Christ. Religion is usually characterized first by being a Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Church of God, Catholicism, to name a few. Religion believes in going to church but most of the time no one goes. Religion believes in tithing but very seldom gives anything. Religion believes that it's ok to do little things like tell "little white lies" because all they need do is ask forgiveness. Well, all I can say is, you can keep your religion, I don't want it!!!
I want a personal relationship with my God who through His mercy for me and you sent His son into this world to be sacrificed for us, once and for all. This kind of relationship gives me the feelings of peace even when everything around me is falling apart.It helps me to things that without it I couldn't do at all. I am honored to give my tithes without flinching because it's taking away from the amount I've got. All I know is that when you give with the right attitude that you'll get back more in return than you can ever imagine. This relationship helps me to NOT do anything wrong because I absolutely don't want to dishonor my Heavenly Father by doing anything wrong. With this kind of relationship when Satan tells me in my mind that I'm no good, I speak back to hime by quoting the Word and telling him that I am a child of God. That makes me an heir of His and co-heirs with Christ.
Then Satan comes back with "You can't do this or that" but again I speak to him that I am more than a conquerer through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. Satan eventually gets tired of testing so he'll leave me alone for a while, but he always comes back. He wants to try and win all the souls he can.
What is really weird to me is that there are actually some people who'd rather listen to Satan than follow the guidence of The Holy Ghost. These are the ones that get what they possess through unlawful means, not caring about the consequences. Unlawful meaning sometimes aginst the laws of man but most of the time against the laws of God. Now you might say, we don't live under the Law but under Grace. That's true alright but we still have to honor rules such as The Ten Commandments and The Golden Rule. Some though will just not obey either of these.
Some people would just as soon get rid of their neighbor than to love them. Then there are those who do not like a person because of their color, race, creed or sexual orientation. This is just not the way that life is supposed to be.


Anonymous said...

Truly a blessing to read. Keep up the good work, and may God bless you in all your endevours. Peace out!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sandy...cheers! CHEERS!!
CHEERS!!! AND most important was "moreso" the sincere desire that "came thru"! If I/we felt it---He felt perfectly!! I think "that's" what it's all about!
CONGRATULATIONS!! on your "blog".
May your WITNESS for our LORD be added to all the infinite other witnesses traveling around the world!