Tuesday, April 19, 2005


How much does keeping promises mean to you? Do they mean just a little, a lot, or are promises just a bunch of empty words? If you promise something and then don't keep it, how do you feel? Or does it not bother you at all. These are views that need to be explored.

Some people break promises as easy as I'd break a toothpick. It's just that easy for them. They'll promise you anything but when the time comes to fulfill that promise, they casually forget or have something else to do. What really gets me is when the promise to you is broken because they got a better offer to do something with someone else. It doesn't matter to them how it makes you feel, just as long as they get to do whatever it is that has come about. There'll be all kinds of arguments, bad words, and stomping around when they're confronted with the fact that they have broken the promise that you had waited so patiently on. People like that don't like to be reminded of their shortcomings. I think the reason they fuss and cuss is because they know they've done wrong[of course they know], and they are trying with everything they have in themselves to turn the entire situation around so ALL the blame falls onto you. You, the one the promise was made too, is now the one the blame is placed on that's causing all the discontent between the two of you. There's a lot of growing up and maturing needed on the part of the promise maker and there a huge difference between being grown and being mature.

Why don't people try and understand that everything is not always about them. They blame you for their failings, always passing the buck. I always thought we were here to make other people happy instead of doing as we please. I guess everyone has a different objective in this life. But when promises are broken, it's not only their word that been broken but it's the other person's heart, their feelings are squashed making them feel like they are really of no use to that person at all. They become the lowest man on the totem pole.

What makes people act this way? Why would anyone want to break a promise unless of course it was a matter of life and death. WHY???? That sure is a big word that is hardly ever explained to the fullest.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OUCH!! I guess we all need to "check ourselves out" on "this one"! THANKS, SANDY! A great LESSON for all!